On behalf of Dickman Law Offices, P.S.C. posted in Car Accidents on Tuesday, November 29, 2011
A number of different factors can contribute to motor vehicle accidents. Driver negligence happens to be a common cause of car accidents involving pedestrians, but Kentucky residents may be interested to learn that foggy windows were to blame for an accident that injured two pedestrians on the Northern Kentucky University campus.
According to a witness, the force of the impact threw one victim about 20 feet and was powerful enough to throw the shoes of each victim off of their feet. Thankfully, neither victim suffered life-threatening injuries, but one did suffer a broken leg. The incident has sparked officials to launch a campaign of sorts, encouraging drivers to exercise heightened awareness when driving.
The North Kentucky University chief of police told reporters that driver inattention is a leading cause of accidents involving pedestrians. Texting and using the phone are among two of the specifically mentioned common distractions.
While the driver responsible for the recent accident cited foggy windows as the leading factor contributing to the crash, the accident victims may be entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering they endured as a result of the incident.
With the number of driver distractions growing on a daily basis, Kentucky residents may find importance in learning their rights in the event they or a loved one incurs injury caused by negligence on the part of another driver. While heightened awareness on the roadways may be able to contribute to a reduction in the number of collisions that take place on a regular basis, accidents do happen. Kentucky residents injured in an accident may benefit from consulting with an attorney experienced in motor vehicle accident cases.
Source: The Northerner, “Collision calls for heightened awareness,” Allegra Carpenter, Nov. 16, 2011
Posted in: Car Accidents, Personal Injury